| ☎︎ 08002922450 | @ enquiries@tlpdelivers.com |

Business Case Writing for Healthcare Professionals

How to construct robust and compelling business cases to obtain funding for personnel, equipment, facilities, service redesign and more!

1 full day delivered in 2 half day sessions online

Choice of dates available
13.30 - 17.00 GMT

Delivered via Zoom

Select your date of choice and click to reserve your place

Advanced booking discount!
only £167 (normally £197)

Price includes your place on the workshop, workbooks and certificates


✅ CPD Certified for 6 hours

✅ Understand why you need to be able to write a compelling business case, whether you are in a clinical or non clinical role

✅ Understand how initiatives such as the NHS 5 Year Forward View have impacted funding within the NHS

✅ Understand where to find local documentation and resources to help construct your business case 
✅ Learn how to use our CARE™ model to build your business case
✅ Learn how to identify and engage with different stakeholders necessary to the success of your business case
✅ Learn how to calculate the Return On Investment (R.O.I.) for your business case
✅ Learn how to use powerful business planning tools such as a P.E.S.T. analysis and S.W.O.T. analysis
✅ A fully interactive workshop delivered via Zoom and utilising whiteboard technology and breakout rooms
✅ Real world application. Participants will be given plenty of opportunities to apply the models and theory they are learning about, to their own real world situations. There will be time for conversations with colleagues and your trainers in order to consolidate your training
✅ Early booking discount of only £167. Your investment includes access to the programme, your workbook and CPD certificate
AGENDA - Part 1

13.00 – 13.30  Sign in

13.30 - 13.50  Introductions and objectives

13.50 – 14.10  - The need for business cases. Participants will discuss why they need to be able to write compelling business cases. We will explore how initiatives such as the NHS 5 Year Forward View have impacted funding in the NHS

14.10 - 15.25 - Project Initiation Documents and other paperwork. Every sector of the NHS (trusts, STPs etc.)  will have documents that are  expected to be completed when submitting a business case. In this session we will examine where to find  these and how to use them effectively.

14.25 – 14.30  Comfort break

14.30 – 15.25  The C.A.R.E.™ model. 
Participants will be introduced to and work through our model for compiling a robust and compelling business case. 
C - Current situation. What is the challenge that your business case seeks to address?
A - Adverse effects. How is the current situation impacting on you, your colleagues, you service and your patients?
R - Recommendations. What needs to happen in order to change the current situation and remove the adverse effects?
E - Execution and evaluation. How will you implement your proposal and how will you evaluate its success?

In this session participants will discuss the model and apply it to their own real life situations.

15.25 – 15.30  Comfort break

15.30 – 16.45  The C.A.R.E.™ model continued.

16.45 -  17.00  Summary of session 1 and action plans

17.00  Session 1 closes

AGENDA - Part 2

13.00 –13.30  Sign in

13.30 – 13.50  Welcome back and recap on session1

13.50 - 14.25 - P.E.S.T. analysis. Participants will be introduced to and work with a P.E.S.T. analysis. P.E.S.T. is a commonly used and powerful business tool. A P.E.S.T. analysis will help to identify enablers and blockers that apply to your business case in the following areas.
P - Political
E - Environmental
S - Social
T - Technological

14.25 – 14.30  Comfort break

14.30 – 15.00  Stakeholder mapping. Participants will identify who their key stakeholders are and how to engage with them in order to gain support for their proposal.

15.00 - 15.25 - S.W.O.T. analysis. A S.W.O.T analysis is another powerful business tool that can be used at any time and is great to use when assessing the overall effectiveness of your proposal. 
S - Strengths
W - Weaknesses
O - Opportunities
T - Threats.

15.25 – 15.30  Comfort break

15.30 – 16.15  Return On Investment (R.O.I.). Your ROI will be another compelling argument in your business case. In this session participants will learn how to calculate R.O.I. for their proposal.

16.15 – 16.45  Summary of session 2 and final action plans

16.45  - 17.00  Session 2 closes (time for Q&A for anyone that wants to stay behind)

What do our clients say about us?

Dr. Caroline Brock – Consultant in A&E and Director of Med. Ed., Royal Lancaster Trust
“I first met Tom as a registrar on a leadership and management programme for doctors that he was delivering a few years ago. Tom delivers his training in an energetic and engaging fashion that allows students space and time to learn. The theory is always supported by practical application and I came away from that first training programme with a head full of both knowledge and practical ideas. Since then I have worked with Tom as a coach, particularly when he helped me to gain my consultant position and he has become a good friend. In my new position as Director of Medical Education I will definitely be bringing Tom in to deliver training to my colleagues and juniors”

Thomas Ross – Lead Pharmacist, South & Mid Division, NHS Highland 
“I have attended a number of one day training events that Tom has run but, more significantly, an extensive leadership and management course that ran over 18 months, with 12 direct teaching days. Tom is a fantastic course leader and facilitator. His knowledge of leadership and management skills, his enthusiasm and ability to motivate a group are second to none, all of this only helped by his sense of humour. In a short period of time, Tom helped us to gel as a group and to establish a supportive, safe and confidential environment. As well as imparting a lot of theoretical knowledge, Tom helped us to turn the theory into practice so that we could utilise the learning in our day-to-day roles and helped us to work through some difficult and challenging scenarios. The long-term outcome of his facilitation and support to our group is that we developed a longstanding network of colleagues and friends across Scotland.
During our 18-month course, he went above and beyond simply being a course leader in that he made himself available to us as a coach and mentor. I, and many others, took him up on this offer because of his approachability and also because of the trust and confidence we have in Tom. In particular, Tom gives individuals the insight into their own potential, pulls out skills and attributes that individuals may not see in themselves and provides individuals with the courage and confidence for them to go far outside their comfort zone and to push their own development. My colleagues and I feel that, in Tom, we have met a phenomenal coach and mentor and also a friend.”

Dr. Rafael Hashmi - Associate specialist, Royal Lancaster Trust
"Excellent learning opportunities during this interactive course"

Danielle O’Neill - Revalidation and SAS Administrator, Alder Hey Children’s Trust
“We have received a brilliant service here at Alder Hey. The feedback from our delegates has been 5*. Tom is reliable, knowledgeable, friendly and approachable. I highly recommend his services as do our delegates as we are always fully booked with many on a reserve list”

Ruth Buchan FFRPS – Chief Executive Officer, Community Pharmacy West Yorkshire
“Having Tom as my coach really helped me transition into my new role as CEO. Providing support and challenge, advice and signposting to tools, Tom has been key along my personal development journey. He enabled me to be brave, consider new ideas, find my feet (and confidence) – to be effective.”

Dr. Ahmed Khafagy - Professor of ORL-HNS, Ain Shams University
"All aspects were useful, yet knowing the type of learners and how to use different methods to teach the different types of learners was most useful"

Kay Carter – Former Assistant Director of Medical HR and Education, Royal Liverpool and Broadgreen University Hospitals NHS Trust.
“TLP has created and delivered bespoke Clinical Supervisor Training Courses which have been well received and complimented by our consultant body”

Suchitra Chandrasiri - Speciality Doctor, Alder Hey Children’s trust
"The courses provide time to think about issues that are very real in the workplace and provide solutions for them. Thank you"

Dr Griselda Wireko-Brobbyy - Consultant Neurodevelopmental Paediatrician, Sussex Community NHS foundation Trust
"Thank you, Tom. Great couple of days in business thinking. Much appreciated!”

Dr. Mohamed Fawzy Almaz, Consultant, Royal Lancaster Trust
"It is above my expectations for a course, I really enjoyed it"

Rob Holmes. Country Manager - Proveca 
“Recently we asked TLP to deliver a series of masterclass sessions for our KOL’s [Doctors, pharmacists and nurses]. The topic for this is Business Case Planning and the response has been fantastic. The 4 days we arranged were fully booked almost immediately! The engagement by our KOLs has been incredible and they have genuinely learned lots about a topic which the NHS does not provide much, if any, training in. The masterclasses are structured so that each participant gets to apply the theory to his or her own real-world situation and this has been a real eye opener for our doctors and pharmacists that have attended the programme. Furthermore, Tom and TLP go the extra mile by providing ongoing support after the event, via private user groups whereby all participants can share stories, ask for advice and also share their successes. This has taken many of our KAMs relationships with their key customers to a deeper level. I would recommend Tom and TLP wholeheartedly to anyone in pharma that is serious about developing their internal people and their external customers.”

About Your Training In-House

Your Training In-house is a trading division of Training, Learning  and Progress (TLP) Ltd. TLP was set up in 2008 by Tom Phillips. Up to this point Tom had enjoyed a remarkable career in the pharmaceutical industry where he held senior positions in sales, marketing and training. Initially working with his clients based in the pharma industry, Tom and TLP soon began to deliver more training and coaching to the NHS and other health care systems across the world.

Tom now works internationally with healthcare systems, the pharmaceutical industry and medical device industry. He is a highly sought after, award winning and published trainer, coach and entrepreneur. 

Specialists in leadership and management training and coaching, sales training and coaching and mental health and well being, TLP have delivered training programmes and coaching to healthcare professionals ranging from 1 day workshops through to 2 year leadership programmes.

Recognising that there was a huge, unmet need for training and coaching in essential non-clinical skills, Tom launched Your Training In-house in 2015. Since 2015 the team at Your Training In-house have continued to deliver training and coaching right across the planet to healthcare professionals from all disciplines and of all grades from medical students through to Consultants and CEO's.


1. I can only make one of those dates, can I still attend?
It is better to attend both dates. We will be running this programme on other dates so we would recommend that you attend one of those.

2. Why are there only 20 places on this programme?
In our experience this is the optimum number for a programme like this. 20 allows for maximum interaction between the participants on the course and their trainers.

3. Will this be delivered in a classroom in the future?
We hope so. As soon as we get "back to normal" after Covid19 has successfully been dealt with, we will return to the classroom as quickly as possible.

4. My schedule often changes at the last minute. Can I change dates or get a refund if necessary?
We understand that things can and do change at the last moment, so we will do everything we can to be as flexible as possible with your booking. A full set of our terms and conditions can be found via the link below.

Training, Learning and Progress Ltd. 2020© | Privacy | 08002922450 | enquiries@tlpdelivers.com 
Your Training In-house is a trading division of Training, Learning and Progress Ltd. Company number 07060894

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